Do You Have Bad Pet Neighbors?
Sooner or later most of us will encounter a bad pet neighbor. Maybe it’s someone with a dog that barks all night. Maybe it’s someone who doesn’t like dogs or who hassles you about your own dog for some reason. But if you have pets you’ll probably have to deal with someone like this sooner or later. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make the situation better.
Will Anxiety Medication’s Work For Dogs?We want our dogs to be as happy and comfortable in our home as we are. For some dogs, this isn’t a possibility without help. Many people don’t realize that dogs can suffer from the same psychological problems that people do. This includes, but isn’t limited to anxiety disorders. If your dog is suffering from mental illness, it’s cruel to not do anything about it. A lot of vets can help your pouch with the right medication. The meds your vet gives your dog are formulated in a similar manner to the anti-anxiety medications given to people.
Your Dog Requires a Strong Leader, You!When you buy a dog, or obtain one through other means, you will likely go through what is known as the ‘honeymoon’ period in which your dog simply can do no wrong. This however will fade rather quickly, and before you know it, you will be wanting to make a change.
Why Has My Dog Started Humping Other Dogs?Here is a question I received recently, does it sound familiar? I first got my dog as a foster when he was already three years old. The previous owner has not had him neutered, and he is a full-breed black lab that weighs 120 pounds.
When Is The Right Time To Start Dog Training?Many people wonder what age is appropriate to start training your dog. Whether your dog is old or a puppy, it is always smart to start training as soon as possible. In this article we will look at why it’s important to train your dog right away.