Weird Dog Behaviour Explained! #shorts #relaxmydog

Personal Dog or Family Dog?

Although by looking at the title one may think: what is the difference between having a personal dog or a family dog? that difference does exist. Circumstances in the lives of humans vary from one person to another and also continuously. We have read many times that the only constant in life is change, so the reason or reasons one may have today to want a dog may not be the same ones to be considered tomorrow.

Effects of Lack of Exercise in Dogs

Have you noticed that for many years now there has been an increase in the importance given to exercise in humans because of the effects lack of it have in health? Of course, the benefits have been known forever, but the trying to create a deep understanding of the consequences of not exercising is really being emphasized more and more lately.

Dogs and Sleep

I have a friend who simply adores sleeping. She works, but the slightest chance she gets, she tries to get in a horizontal position and fall into Morpheus arms. Sometimes, when I have some friends invited to a little beach house I own and she comes along, I always anticipate that when she disappears for a while or nobody hears her, I just show my face at the door of her bedroom and there she is… sleeping like a baby. It really makes me laugh.

Dog Exercise: Very Important Considerations

A lot has been said about the effects lack of exercise has in dogs, something I consider very significant for all dog owners to learn. Today I would like to mention a few important tips to remember in the other direction because the effects of these could harm instead of help you dog, which is exactly the contrary of what any dog loving owner would want .

Pure Breed or Mutt?

So many campaigns keep coming out every day trying to create conscience in us humans of the need to adopt a dog instead of buying one! The reason for that is it has become a real problem for shelters to try and keep the numerous dogs they have alive. It is not only a problem of space, but a very serious one financially, so the alternative they have, although not the one wanted, is euthanasia.

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