Relaxing Music for Dogs During Thunderstorms and Fireworks! No More Anxeity ASMR!

8 Factors That Make a GPS Tracking Collar Effective

Before, dog owners are not at peace when they can’t see their pets for minutes. They always have this hidden yet real fear that their dog can get lost. Modern technology is about to change this mindset. By fitting your dog with GPS pet tracking device, you can be sure to know his exact location in real time.

Practical Tips to Protect Your Dog When Hunting

Sport hunting is at its best when you have a well-trained dog that helps to find game for you. But you must also consider that your pet is also exposed to safety risks while he is doing his job. You should practice safety measures when you go out on hunting trips with your dog.

Practical Ways to Protect Your Dogs From Intestinal Parasites

The presence of intestinal parasites in your dog’s body is one of the most common yet preventable things that can happen to your pet. There is a certain regimen that pet owners need to follow in order to protect their animals from infestation. Learning it with the proper instructions can greatly help to keep your pets and entire family protected from the hazards associated with these intestinal freeloaders.

Training Hunting Dogs 101

If you envision your puppy being your hunting partner someday, there are basic things you need to know to get him all prepped for such exciting activity. Training him at a young age in terms of following commands is one of the keys to getting him ready for that hunting adventure.

The Bloodhound – An Extraordinary Dog

Bloodhounds are very extraordinary animals. They are categorized as ‘scent hounds,’ which is to say, they hunt prey or track missing persons by scent rather than by sight.. I saw a story on T.V. once about how a Bloodhound tacked down a little girl who had disappeared.

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