My Dog Bites My Feet When I Walk, Why?

What To Look For In Bulldog Puppies

A huge number of people love owning dogs. The reasons may be numerous, from the fact that they turned old with them, or probably because they are their protection or serve other such purposes, or it may as well be the fact that some people love to have something cute to hold on.

Technology Helping Pets – Chemical Free Flea and Tick Solution

External parasites, like fleas and ticks are not only bothersome, they are dangerous to both pets and humans. While there are many preventative products on the market, many of these products are making pets sick and even killing them. The numbers of deaths and illness reported to the FDA are shocking, yet these products continue to be found on store shelves. There is a safe and chemical free alternative that can keep animals and their humans safe and protected. While no product can guarantee 100% protection, thanks to technology, there is a way to achieve 96.5% effectiveness in preventing fleas and ticks from making your life miserable and harming your dog.

Dog Bathing/Grooming Basics

Before we start, you may be wondering whether you should wash your dog at all… especially since it is not really a natural or welcome thing for a dog! There are a number of reasons why you might want to do bathe your dog. Keeping your dog clean is a very important aspect of the care you provide and something you will be committed to doing as a loving owner.

Why Choose Canine Medications

Why does your canine need medications? Canine medications are used to treat injuries or illness, to relieve pain or inflammation, to improve health through vitamin and mineral supplementation and to serve a variety of other purposes. These medications become necessary as your pet ages and are afflicted with various types of illness and injuries.

5 Easy Tips for Trimming Your Dog’s Nails

Just as unkempt nails look bad on humans so do they, on dogs. But aren’t dogs supposed to trim their nails the natural way by rubbing them on the ground. Well the fact is most pet dogs with untrimmed nails tend to scratch against them against sofa and other furniture, damaging them beyond repair. It might look tough in the beginning but with experience you will learn the tricks and start doing it in a professional manner. With practice you may become an expert in clipping nails of your pet.

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