Music for Dogs! Sweet Relaxing Lullabies for Dogs & Puppies!

The Newest AKC Member – The Pumi

The Pumi is Hungarian in origin, breed to herd cattle and protect farms. Some people call them Hungarian terriers, but they have no terrier blood. They do have many behavioral characteristics of terriers, so it is an easy mistake to make. Pumi were just accepted by the American Kennel Club as the 190th breed.

Does My Dog Bark at People on Walks?

Fascinating facts I learned from fellow pet blogger at ‘That Mutt’ about dogs that bark on walks. The why’s behind the madness and ways to lessen the reactions. Who doesn’t want to have the most well-behaved dog on a walk?

Bath Time! Proper Ways to Give Your Dog a Bath

Tips from a professional! Learn about the things you may be doing wrong. Bathing seems simple – and it is – but there are definitely some right and wrong ways to keep your pet beautiful!

Is K9 Advantix The Best Flea & Tick Treatment For Dogs? Find Out Here

K9 Advantix is a Bayer product and has been considered to be the most popular topical flea and tick preventative treatments in USA. Let us explore some of the reasons that justify this claim.

Dog Training: How To Train Your Dogs Easily

Keeping a dog is easy, but training him can be challenging. In this article, you will discover the 5 great tips how to train your dog to do as you command easily…

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