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The Pros and Cons of Adopting a Shelter Dog

No matter where you live in the United States there are usually dogs to be found in animal shelters in your area. But should you adopt a shelter dog? Is it a good idea? What are the pros and cons?

Leave Dog Breeding to the Professionals

Hip dysplasia. Deafness. Progressive retinal atrophy. Liver shunt. Epilepsy. These are all canine diseases that can be passed, at least in part, through genetics in dogs. It’s not easy to breed a litter of puppies and be responsible for them. It’s not easy to produce puppies that don’t have diseases or health problems. In fact, to breed healthy puppies it takes breeders who are willing to spend the time and money to health test their dogs, go through genetic screening to eliminate health problems, and try to produce puppies in each generation that are free from disease.

Kids and Canines – Safety Tips

Kids and dogs seem to naturally go together. You could say that every dog deserves a kid. But there can be dangers when children and dogs interact.

Simple Dog Grooming Basics

Every dog needs to be groomed. Whether you have a shorthaired dog that simply needs to have a brush rubbed over him or a Maltese with a long, flowing coat that requires continual care, your dog needs for you to attend to his grooming needs.

Orthopedic Beds For Your Dog

Although we often think of orthopedic dog beds as being helpful for elderly dogs they can be very beneficial for dogs with joint problems and arthritis, too. Many dogs can benefit from using an orthopedic dog bed, even if they’re quite young.

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