Weird Myths and Facts about Dogs – The last one will SHOCK you!

What To Know For Using Games To Train Dogs

Games are a good way to train dogs. Many training schools that offer dogs for sale also use games to teach dogs in a better way.

Positive Reinforcement – Key To Efficient Training Of Dogs

People are gradually shifting towards using positive reinforcement to train their dogs, instead of using punishment. Even schools giving guard dog training Sydney, prefer this method to train dogs.

Ways To Protect Your Dog Or Other Pets During The Hot Weather

What can be done to protect our vulnerable pets in the hot weather? Considering there have been reports of dogs, even police dogs, dying accidently through getting left unattended in the car during a heat wave this is an important question. Then there have been other pet deaths related to heat overexposure…

Can You Trust A Dog That Has Bitten?

Each and every year millions of people are bitten by a dog. In fact according to one source over 2 million children are bitten annually. There are those dog owners that feel they can never trust a dog after it has bitten. There is the other camp that feels the dog may be able to be rehabilitated.

Emergency Procedures For A Poisoned Dog

There is always a possibility that your dog could be poisoned and you should be prepared by knowing the correct things to do to help. Dogs can be poisoned in several different ways including ingesting a poison or even eating a creature that has been poisoned. They can also be poisoned externally.

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