Separation Anxiety Dog Music: Tones to Calm Dogs Naturally [20 Hours]

Let Your Dog Reach 25 Years With These Tips

Studies suggest that the average lifespan of domesticated dogs is between 13 to 15 years. The good news is they can actually live longer than that. However, it is your responsibility as the owner to make sure they live up to 25 years old.

Four Ways You Can Save Money on Pet Supplies This Year

Having a pet has many benefits. According to studies, it can help reduce stress and even help people with illness recover faster from their conditions. The only downside of having lots of pets are the expenses that come with it.

Chow Pup: A Cute Fella

Chow Pup or commonly termed as Chow Chow is a kind of dog breed that originated from China. It is referred to as Songshi Quan, meaning “puffy-lion dog”. According to the recent DNA analysis, it is confirmed that this kind of breed is one of the oldest dog breeds.

Dog Allergies And How They Affect Your Pet

Pet lovers will confess that their animals suffer from hypersensitivity to certain allergens. One such animal is the dog which suffers from a myriad of allergens and that could easily deprive you the love and comfort you enjoy with them.

Airedales: Not Your Ordinary Dog

If you want a dog to worship and adore you, get a golden retriever. If you want to add some challenge to your life, get an Airedale.

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