Relax My Cat – #6 FAST Anti-Anxiety Relief (Deluxe Album)

Dog Behavior Series 10 – Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?

If you are looking for help treating your dog’s behavioral issues, or just curious about why your dog does what he does, then this Behavioral Series is for you. This segment focuses on why dogs sleep so much. So, why do dogs sleep so much?

Online Dog Training Course

Do you have a dog you want to train? Train properly. I understand. No one wants a dog that misbehaves, chews your shoes, it’s not toilet trained, or is perhaps aggressive towards other animals or people. Having such a dog isn’t good for the owners but also for anyone else that comes into contact with the dog. Training a dog isn’t easy either. Until you know how to do it properly and an online training solution can be very effective.

How Do No Pull Dog Harnesses Work?

There are many dog harnesses available on the market today and all are designed to fit around a dog’s torso, which should relieve pressure around the neck area. A no pull dog harness has one or two unique attributes and can help if your dog pulls excessively. Here we take a look at how to use one and when they can be become a useful component of your walking and training regime.

5 Ideas for Christmas Gifts for Your Pet Dog

Our pets are as much a part of the family as any human, and Christmas can be the perfect occasion to splash out on a little treat for them too. There is now a large number of pet supplies retailers out there offering a range of Christmas themed gifts for your dog, so you are sure to find something that is ideal for your four legged friend. Our first suggestion for a doggy gift this Christmas is investing in a special advent calendar for your pet. These can not only make for a fantastic decoration, but will ensure that your dog gets a treat every day in the build up to Christmas Day, just like all the children in the household are.

3 Good Reasons to Buy a Matching Dog Collar and Lead

When it comes to purchasing the perfect dog collar and lead for our dog, the task can be often overwhelming. There are not only hundreds of different styles on the market, but also a vast range of designs and materials to choose from, leading to a lot of confusion for shoppers. The first things to bear in mind when picking out a dog collar and a lead for your pet include which material is best for them, what kind of design is appropriate for their breed and how you intend to use the lead and collar – for long nature walks in the rain, for training a young dog, or just for a couple of daily walks around the local park.

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