Dangers You Should Be Aware Of When Using A Muzzle Or Choke With Your Dog
When training your dog, it pays to use the right tools in the right way at the right time. Two tools that are often misunderstood and misused are training collars (choke collars) and muzzles. In this article, we will discuss the proper time and place for using these tools along with the hazards inherent in misusing and/or abusing them. Read on to learn more
How To Properly Train Your Dog To Not Jump On PeopleOwning a dog can be a wonderful experience because they are great companions. Some dogs do have some annoying behaviors like jumping on visitors when they arrive. Have you ever wondered why dogs do this and how you can stop this problematic behavior? This article will explain why dogs do this and how to stop them.
How To Stop Your Dog From Destroying Your Back YardDestructive behavior in dogs is not only frustrating to deal with, but can also be a sign that something is wrong with your dog’s health or lifestyle. Here are a few of the most common causes of this type of behavior as well as tips on how to stop your dog from destroying your back yard.
What Are The Benefits Of Crate Training?Training crates for dogs are typically seen as being cruel by some ill informed people. The fact is, not only are they good for your dog, but they can have many different benefits for both the training and safety of your dogs. In this article, we will be talking about some of the main benefits of crate training for your dog.
How to Choose an Individual DogHaving decided on a particular dog breed, you can then track down puppies without too much difficulty in most cases. The various dog magazines and newspapers may also be a useful source of reference.