Can My Dog Eat a Christmas Dinner? #shorts #relaxmydog

Tips and Tricks for Crate Training a Puppy

Tips and Tricks for crate training a puppy or dog. This article will attempt to provide the new puppy or dog owner with information about crate training puppy or a dog and assistance in choosing a dog crate or kennel.

Things to Consider Before Getting a Dog for the First Time

Dogs are the obviously most popular pet. Don’t be in a rush to get one though. Here are things to consider before getting a dog for the first time.

Healthy Herbal Homemade Dog Treats

If you feel as other dog lovers feel, your pet is thought of and treated like a member of the family. Homemade dog treats are a wonderful way to show your love. Your pet is just as important to you as the other family members. You watched him grow from puppy hood to a fully matured dog that has a personality, likes and dislikes and returns unconditional love to you.

Herbal Treatments for Your Dog’s Crohn’s Disease

The great shift to herbal treatments for medical conditions has naturally flowed into the treatment for our best friends-our dogs. Crohn’s disease is just as debilitating in dogs as it is in humans. It’s incurable in both humans and dogs, but isn’t fatal in humans. Crohn’s disease in dogs can be fatal without proper care.

Joint Pain And The Canine Symptoms

Many dogs will suffer joint pain throughout their lives, and it is a rare senior dog who does not have arthritis symptoms. If you are worried about the canine symptoms of joint pain we outline a few easy ways to help manage the pain and symptoms of osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia.

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