Buying Maltese for Sale: A Great Choice in the Long Run
Keeping dogs or puppies at home has become very popular trend nowadays. Plenty of people are opting for different puppies for their homes. Maltese is certainly one of the most popular puppy choices today, thanks to its friendly and lovable nature.
What Are The Benefits Of Chicken Jerky Treats For Dogs?Chicken jerky treats for dogs are high in protein and low in fat. That is why they are a good source of dogs’ daily protein requirement.
What Do You Know About Dog Dementia?The simple mention of dementia normally causes a negative reaction in everyone who hears it, typically fear. Why? Because we know it is something we cannot “cure” and that is a trigger for elevated stress in those around the person or dog suffering it. Did I say dogs with dementia?
Dog Training And Teaching CommandsFor a successful owner of a dog it is very important to understand that the dog training methods used in training a dog can vary due to numerous factors. It is important to adapt and achieve a positive outcome. Commands Total control is the groundwork on which all succeeding training is based.
Cushing’s Canine Syndrome: Something to Be Careful AboutWhen my beautiful Siberian Husky was diagnosed with Cushing’s Syndrome, I never thought it would be the cause of my losing her, in spite of all the attention and care I provided. I had taken her to the clinic I normally went to because of a very unexpected convulsion and the veterinarian who saw her that day told me she had a tumor in the adrenal glands and should be kept under observation, but nothing else. That was the beginning of the end.