1 Hour of Relaxation Music for your Hamster – Relaxing Pet Music!

High Energy Dogs And Low Energy Owners Don’t Mix

Recently I got a call from an 80 year old woman with an 8 month old high drive German Shepherd. I have also received calls from others like the 75 year old woman that can hardly walk and needs help with a one year old lab. You get the idea. Low energy dogs with low energy owners!

Consider the Convenience to Buy Dog Products Online

When people take into consideration the amount of time that it takes to travel to the store and look through the inventory at the store, they may consider an online purchase. Pet products are something that is necessary for every pet owner to purchase.

You Must Admit You Have An Aggressive Dog

One thing that always amazes me is how a dog owner will not admit that they have an aggressive dog. They come up with all types of excuses and reasons why the dog is showing aggression and it is never the dogs fault.

What to Expect From a Service Dog

A Service Dog is a dog that is specifically trained to help people with disabilities such as visual, hearing impairments, seizures, post traumatic stress disorders autism, mental illness and ambulatory issues. The service dog must have desirable character traits including good temperament, psychological makeup such as trainability and must be in good health. They must be physically fit and have sufficient stamina.

What Is A Psychiatric Service Dog

Psychiatric service dog refers to a dog that is specifically trained to help handlers with psychiatric disabilities. It can be of great use to people suffering from schizophrenia or post-traumatic stress disorder.

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