When Should I Get My Dog Neutered?

The Key To Caring For A Dog In Winter

If you are wondering about caring for a dog in winter, there is a strong chance that you are keeping him or her outside rather than in the house. While many people advocate keeping dogs indoors as part of the family, there is nothing wrong with keeping your dog outside so long as it has adequate food and shelter. The thing to remember however, is that the definition of adequate will change during the winter months. let’s take a look at a few tips and hints regarding winter care for your favorite pooch.

Teaching Your Dog To Be Friendly With Visitors

While you want your dog to be mindful of intruders and potentially harmful strangers, you still want them to be able to distinguish the difference between them and an unexpected, friendly visitor. Depending on your dog, there can be certain people that can trigger a reaction or anxiety so it is always best to understand the triggers and learn how to work with them so that they can be more comfortable around guests to your home.

Teach Your Dog To Wear A Backpack

Getting a backpack for your dog can be a good thing for him and for you. Backpacks for dogs come in a variety sizes, colors, and configurations, so be sure you get one that fits snugly, but not too tight. You don’t want it rolling around, but you don’t want it too tight either.

Start a Dog Walking Club and Turn Your Walks Into Social Gatherings

Starting a dog walking club is a great way to make turn your daily walk into a social event for both your furry friend, and yourself. Making it a group event can also help ensure you don’t skip days, and that both you and your dog get out and get the exercise you need. If you can make new friends in the mean time, and help socialize your dog, then that is just an added bonus!

Learn Some Fall Time Exercises To Do With Your Dog

When you have a dog, you know the summer months are some of the best times because they are able to run around and enjoy the sun. However, when the fall months start to come around you will find that the exercise time you have with your dog is going to be limited. Since this is limited you need to make sure you know some of the different fall exercises that you can do with your dog to keep them occupied.

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