What Age Can I Transition My Dog to Adult Food – All you need to know!

5 Ways Spent Beer Grain Is Used

Reusing spent grains from the brewing process has gained traction in recent times, and brewers have found all sorts of interesting ways to use them. From feeding livestock, to baking bread, to making dog biscuits from beer grain, a plethora of ideas have sprung up and have been put into action.

Why Are There So Many, Pet Food Recalls?

In the last two years, the US Food and Drug Administration issued recall and safety alerts for 76 commercial pet foods and treats. Salmonella risk led the complaints. Why? The issue is complex and likely to continue. Owners need to take control of the quality of their pet’s food.

Choosing the Best Type of Crate For Your Dog – Part 1

In this article, I begin the discussion of how to choose the best type of crate for your dog. Crates can be made out of a variety of materials, but the three main ones are wire, plastic, and wood. Each type of crate serves a different purpose, and the materials used to construct them have different strengths and weaknesses. With this first part, I will explore the many advantages of using a wire crate, especially when a young puppy is involved.

Assume Your Role As Leader of Your Dog’s Pack

Caring for canines requires more than the usual routines of feeding and grooming. You have to step and take the leadership role if you want to manage, control their behavior. Establish yourself as the alpha male of your pack and keep aggression at bay.

Is Kennel Cough Deadly – Here Is a Kennel Cough Remedy!

First, let me assure you that kennel cough is NOT deadly! Okay f-e-e-w-h with that hard tearing at you question out of the way we can focus on a kennel cough home treatment option. I know if it were my animal that had kennel cough I would get all worrisome, after all they’re another member of the family so who wouldn’t go out of their way to comfort and make them feel better?

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