Videos for Dogs! Relaxing and Fun TV for Dogs to Watch! + Music!

Exercise Is Vitally Important For You And Your Dog

Everybody needs exercise. That goes for you and your dog, too! If you are going to have a dog as a companion, you are taking on a responsibility. You must be prepared to provide your dog with good food, clean water, a safe, secure, warm place to sleep, inoculations, veterinary care as needed, companionship and exercise.

Positive and Negative Reinforcement Dog Training – What Works?

Are you interested in German Shepherd training? Want to learn more about how you can take your dog training skills to the next level? Read on as we’ll be going over two dog training strategies – positive and negative reinforcement training! We’ll discuss which one works best and how you can incorporate both into your dog’s training.

What Is Separation Anxiety In Dogs, And How Do I Fix It?

Separation anxiety in dogs can be traumatic to both owner and dog. This article identifies some of the characteristics of separation anxiety, why it may be happening and what you as an owner can do to try and alleviate the situation.

The Benefits of Choosing an Orthopedic Bed for Your Dog

This article will enlighten my readers to the benefits of having an orthopedic bed for your pet. I will also go into more specific detail regarding the types of beds, as well as the best choice for your dog.

How to Measure Your Dog to Get the Right Fit for Clothes

Measuring your dog always sounds like a tedious task. Why can’t you just buy ready made clothes and wrap the same around your dog? Why do you have to take measurements?

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