How Having a Dog Can Help Your Child
Raising a child is hard even at the best of times and any help is greatly appreciated. Though they aren’t the first thing most parents consider regarding child-raising, dog’s can offer plenty; from lessons on friendship and communication to health benefits.
Golden Retriever Puppy – Should I Get One Or Better Not?Creating a life full of happiness and joy with a Golden Retriever means asking yourself some very basic questions prior to buying one. This article helps you reach the right desicion.
Why Does My Dog Lick The Air?This is a question I was asked by one of my clients recently so I thought I do a little research and see if I could find out the answer. Dogs seem to lick the air for several different reasons. Sometimes dog owners think it’s their way of getting a kiss but actually it can be a lot more serious than that.
How Can I Keep My Dog Calm Under Exciting CircumstancesLet me start this article with a couple of human examples. To do that I’ll need to ask you a question. What makes the difference between a well behaved child and a child that is out of control? I think most people will agree that training is one of the very important things in that process. Yes simply teaching the child what is acceptable and what is not.
Why Do We Use Rewards In Dog Training?I tell all my clients that they would not go to work on Monday without getting a nice paycheck on Friday. Well this is the same for your dog. When you are training, your dog is working and it would like to receive a paycheck as well.