Thunderstorm Music! Calm your Dog During Thunder and Lightning – Stop Dog Shaking, Crying, Barking.

The Raccoon Exterminator

In the springtime animals breed and have their babies. Are you sure none are trying to get in your house? A dog will let you know.

Revisiting CCL

My husband spent most of yesterday and then again this morning researching dog surgery, CCL, on the Internet, the well-known friend and foe of intelligent decision-making. Many folks found that surgery was excellent while others said to try everything else first.

Hunting Dogs and CCLs

I never dreamed that I would be willing to make such an investment in a dog. Not that I wouldn’t do it but there were many years when finances would not have allowed this expenditure for CCL surgery. While I love animals, this procedure is relatively costly but vitally important. Hunting dogs and their masters simply have to run at full speed.

Dog Park Trends on the Rise

According to a recent study from the Humane Society, at least one dog can be found in approximately 39% of American households. As a result of this, America’s largest cities have seen a comparable 34% increase in the number of dog parks within the last 10 years. With dog parks on the rise, park and recreation departments now have a variety of equipment, pet waste solutions and other products at their fingertips.

Do Veterinarians Have a Secret?

Your veterinarian may have a secret. Could it affect you and your dog?

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