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Pancreatitis Information Every Dog Owner Should Know

Just as humans can suffer from inflammation of the pancreas, so can our canine friends. This condition is known as pancreatitis. A dog’s pancreas is a vital organ that helps with food digestion, just as your own pancreas does. It’s important to understand more about the condition so that you can take your best friend to see a vet as soon as any symptoms are noticed. Continue reading to learn more about the important details you need to be aware of.

Is The Golden Retriever The Right Dog Breed For You?

If you have been doing your research to try and find out what type of dog breed that you should get for your household, the chances are very good that the Golden Retriever has been a solid contender. This is a breed of dog that is very outgoing and the perfect pet to have if you are looking for one that just loves people. A Golden just loves to be with other people, around their human family or just part of the group. Because they love attention, it is easy to spoil such a dog and make it just as though they are a true part of your family.

Pit Bulls Are An Excellent Choice For People Who Understand Dogs

Pit bulls have gotten a bad name because of late they have become popular with bad people. People who want to fight dogs have exploited one breed of dog after another for centuries. Within the last sixty years or so, we have seen these people ruin the reputation of German Shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers and now Pit Bulls.

Canine Pack Behavior

As many of you know, canines (dogs) are ancestors of the wolf, and like the wolf, they are pack animals. It is very important for you, as a serious and responsible dog owner to make sure your dog understands it’s rank in YOUR pack. A pack consists of three ranks: • “Alpha” Dog – leader of the packâ�¨• “Beta” Dog – next in charge in the pack â�¨• “Omega” Dog – bottom of the pack and the happiest member.

Reading Dog Food Labels

Reading dog food labels can be confusing at best. There are words that are not understood and sometimes it seems that ingredients are listed more than once through out the label. Why is it so complicated? Reading food labels should not be rocket science.

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