Separation Anxiety Music for Cats – Guaranteed Relaxation! 2019

Is It Possible To Train Any Dog?

When we are speaking of dog training it must be recognized that different breeds have different genetic traits that cannot be trained out of a dog. For example a German Shepherd might be more aggressive than a chocolate Lab and that will never change.

Ideal Dogs For Senior Citizens

Dogs are the perfect human companion. This is true for people of any age, especially seniors who need the love and happiness a dog brings to their lives. Keeping active is essential for a senior citizen’s good health, and a canine companion fits the bill with all the outdoor walks and playtime the dog needs.

Water Fun and Safety With Your Pet

Memorial Day is fast approaching and for many Americans that means time spent near the water either at the lake, canoeing the river or another family friendly activity. As summer nears weekends of swimming, fishing, and boating become more regular for many. That also means more dogs are being taken along for family fun.

The Process of Dog Grooming

Have you ever wondered what happens when you drop your dog at the groomers? He goes through an ordeal and it is wise to make it as pleasant as possible.

12 Steps Children Should Take Around Dogs

Rather than keep children away from dogs, parents should teach their offspring how to approach (and retreat from) a dog safely. Here are 12 steps to success.

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