Yes, Dogs Do Dream
Have you ever seen your dog whine or move its legs during its sleep? A lot of dog owners will tell you that dogs do dream. It is believed that dogs dream during a certain stage of their sleep, typically when they make noises or move.
Why Puppies Annoy Older DogsThere are many reasons puppies like to annoy older dogs, and while most of them are innocent, such as boredom or bonding, the behavior can still stress out the animals and lead to a less than pleasant living environment. Understanding the behavior can help correct or avoid the behavior, teaching your puppy how to properly interact with the other dogs in the home. The following are a few of the most common reasons puppies annoy older dogs.
Some Reasons That Springer Spaniels Make Good PetsSpringer Spaniels are great dogs for pets as their high intelligence and great attitude makes them a joy to be around. The breed was originally developed to be a gun dog and to be a quick retriever in the field.
No Backyard, Then Start Walking With Your DogWhen I meet with a new dog training client that has hired me to help them with all their dog’s behavior issues one thing is quite common. You guessed it… no backyard. That means that their dog doesn’t get exercised. Usually all it gets is those 10 minute walks for it to do its business and that is simply not enough.
A Poorly Behaved Dog, Not Separation AnxietyI have written about separation anxiety many times and I always mention that it is always possible that the dog is not suffering from separation but is simply a poorly behaved dog. Well I just found another poorly behaved dog that was misdiagnosed and I thought I would tell you how we solved the problem.