Does My Dog Need A Coat?
When faced with a purchasing decision about the type of coat to by for your dog the endeavor can be daunting. Jacket or Sweater? Vest or full body? Rain jacket or wind breaker? Depending on the area you live in, the hair type, age, physical condition and activity level are some of the components to consider.
Which Dog Breed Is Most Likely to Bite?Often, dog attacks are actually the fault of the dog’s owner who has not properly secured their dog, such as being confined to their own property by a proper fence, or not being tethered. If you or a loved one have been the victim of a dog bite, you may have a dog bite lawsuit. First off, after suffering dog attack injuries, seek proper medical care.
10 Magical Foods That Will Aid a Dog’s VisionIf you thought that only human beings are prone to glaucoma, cataracts and other life-threatening ailments then you are in for a surprise. Even dogs can suffer from these ocular ailments. In this write-up, we have mentioned some magical foods that will aid a dog’s vision.
My BMD – Beagle Of Mass DestructionWatch out or this little hound dog will steal your heart. The breed is known for many good qualities, the most being loyalty and a great sense of adventure. Finally, the dog world has taken notice and this hunter is taking top honors in both national and international competitions.
Merry Christmas Puppy!There’s nothing more fun than a new puppy… for the first few days. And then reality sets in that your new puppy has some flaws (at least according to human standards). He poops on the floor, cries at night, barks, chews on the furniture, and steals your favorite shoes. In short, he’s a monster.