Pet Therapy: Relaxing Sleep Music for Dogs and Cats

Herbal Remedies for Dogs: Should I Consider Them for Treating Pain?

If your dog has a health problem or is experiencing pain, you need to consider herbal remedies for pain. There are many herbs that have proven safe and effective for treating pain in dogs and other health issues that they face.

What Are the 5 Types of Dog Breeders?

Just as all dogs are not alike the breeders too are not alike. Dog breeders vary from the large commercial organizations to small individual run units specializing in only select dog breeds.

Dog Training – A Step by Step Guide to Build a Solid Obedience Dog

Have you ever watched the “dream teams” in the obedience ring and sighed, “Wish I had THAT dog!”. Guess what, you DO have that dog – he goes home with you every day, and goes to practice with you every chance he gets! Your dog can be a solid performer if you follow a few simple rules. Rule number one. Every time you are with your dog, you are training your dog. If your dog ignores you in the yard when you call him into the house, why would you think he’d come in an obedience trial when there are a million interesting distractions around?

Choosing A Dog And What You Need To Know Before That

Are you someone who is thinking about buying or adopting a dog? Well, that is certainly a great decision as there are many shelters and breeders that provide puppies for sale. A decision to buy a dog is something that most people take very casually.

Dog’s Separation Anxiety – How to Help Your Dog Overcome This

Some dogs are likely to develop separation anxiety syndrome due to known or unknown reasons. If your dog is one among them, you need to plan out a behavioral management program that would help to your dog to rule over such stress.

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