How To Start Training Your Rats!

Advice For A New Dog Owner

If you have never owned a dog before or if it has been a long time since you owned a dog here are a few simple things that will make the entire experience a joy. Not only are you getting a pet but you are also giving a new home and a great life to a living breathing creature.

Should You Train A Protection Dog?

Do you realize that training the family pet to be a protection dog can be a huge liability that can cost you even more than your money? It’s true, training the family dog to be a protection dog can be very dangerous if your dog were to attack a person. Years ago it meant that you would be sued, today however you can now be held criminally responsible and end up in prison.

4 Dog Etiquette Tips

Most people just don’t realize how important doggie etiquette can be. They just don’t get the fact that as a dog owner they have certain things that they are responsible for about their dogs behavior. So let’s talk about a few of those doggie do’s and don’ts.

Dog Training Tips for the Holidays

Life gets hectic around the holidays, and dog training is often forgotten for the season. Parties, visits from strangers and traveling can put extra stress on your pets. Use the following tips to enjoy a harmonious holiday season with your well-behaved canine companion.

Is a Bad Dog Bred or Born?

In many other countries, banning certain dogs is much more common than in The States. What are the reasons for banning certain types of canines? What does banning accomplish? There are certain animals which are genetically predisposed to being aggressive, due to the original intended use. Some types were initially bred to have certain characteristics which may have made them good hunters, or guard dogs, or they may have been used to fight. While at one time these characteristics may have been considered a positive, in modern society these attributes can be downright dangerous.

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