How to Leave a Puppy Home Alone!

How to Play Tug Games With Your Dog in a Way That Is Fun AND Safe

Forget the Myth! For decades, dog owners have been told never to play tug-of-war with their dogs because it increases aggression. This isn’t true.

Are You Using A Prong Collar Correctly?

A prong collar or maybe you know it as a Pinch Collar can be a valuable tool when working with a particular problem in a dog. What is the problem you ask? Pulling… Of course prong collars can be used for other problems as well but where I find it most useful is when we have a large dog and a small person that just cannot control the dog and stop the pulling.

Tips To Keep Your Dog Inside The Fence

I have received this question many times and I want to share with you how I suggest these dog owners solve the problem. Quite often I get that call telling me that a dog owner has a problem because their dog is either jumping over, digging under or in some other way getting out of their fenced yard.

Only Give A Command One Time

There is one very important thing that dog owners should always remember. Let me share this one thing with you. This is really important in training and conditioning your dog.

How Disgusting Will Dog Commercials Get?

How disgusting will dog commercials get? Human beings are increasingly becoming lose as to who and what they are. Is there any hope for us as a species?

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