How Did we Get Different Dog Breeds?

Dogs With Food Allergies: Novelty Protein Dog Food

This article is about a very common issue concerning dog skin care. There is an abundance of dogs who suffer from skin rashes due to unhealthy dog food or foods that don’t contain novelty proteins. With the right direction you can eliminate itching and scratching on dogs. Take the time to read this and it will help you solve the problem.

Buying Dog Toys – Not As Easy As You Think!

Buying toys for our pets is not an easy job. You might think that buying one and giving it to your pet is all that you have to do, but that’s not all!

Three Great Dogs You Can Find in Pet Stores

If you are looking for an animal companion, pet stores are the best places to visit. There, you will be able to find a large selection of dog breeds to choose from, and the specialists will be able to help you manage their needs and lifestyle appropriately.

The Bernese Mountain Dog: Is It the Right Dog for You?

There is something about a large solid dog with his mass of silky fur, that just makes you want to hug it. If it is a Bernese Mountain Dog, he would let you do just that, and even ask for more. That is because this beautifully tri-colored working dog is a gentle giant who loves people and thrives on praise.

The Brittany Spaniel

This medium sized dog offers plenty of color choices in fawn, tans, browns or even a deep pink. Dark brown, amber or hazel colored eyes will be dependent upon the color of the coat.

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