Facts About Cockapoos!

Leash Training Your Dog – 4 Tips

It is not going to be easy to get your dog to take the leash. After all, your pet does realize that somewhere it’s a clamping down on his freedom. Your dog will resist, in ways you’ve never imagined, posing major risks to oneself. Patience is the key here. It is a lot easier to train a puppy to use the leash than an adult dog. Nevertheless, these are a few tips you could use.

Yorkshire Terriers – The Big Dog of Little Dogs

Yorkshire Terriers (Yorkies) are intelligent, self assured, and protective little dogs. They make great companions for older adults and serve well as watch dogs. This companion dog, requires mental and physical exercise, and daily attention to its coat. The breed does not realize it’s small stature and will take on bigger dogs without fear.

Why You Should Be Using Natural Dog Shampoos

It’s wrong to use your own shampoo or your baby’s shampoo on your dog’s skin. The make-up of the human skin is quite different from that of dogs and so it’s very important to stick to dog shampoos especially natural dog shampoos. Shampoos with fancy ingredients are bad for your dog’s skin; if you doubt it, pay attention to your dog after bathing him with a cheap shampoo and spot the difference when you switch to natural shampoos.

Secrets To Choosing A Natural Shampoo For Dogs

Gone are the days when dog owners would spend a lot of money purchasing high-end artificial shampoos from the pet stores. Smart pet owners today are choosing natural shampoo for dogs because it is safer and healthier. If you want to choose a good shampoo for dogs, this short guide would help you figure out how to go about it.

Five Ways To Exercise Your Dog Quickly

Do you find it difficult to ensure that your pooch gets enough exercise? Here we give you five fun ways to tire out your dog when you’re short on time.

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