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5 Amazing Yorkshire Terrier Facts That Will Surprise You

Are you a fan of Yorkies? Here are some surprising things about the amazing dog breed that you probably didn’t know about!

5 Effective Yorkie Training Tips For The First Time Dog Parent

Recently brought home an adorable Yorkshire Terrier puppy? Here are some important tips to follow when training your dog.

Designer Pet Accessories For Your Dog

This is the high time to dress up your dog into a fashion diva. The designers from all over the world are converting the canine member into an adorable personality.

Choosing Bully Sticks For Your Dog – What Should Matter

Bully sticks are amazing dog treats especially considering that they go a long way in improving the dental hygiene of your dog as well as its physical health. They may be referred to as sticks but they are completely digestible and come with high levels of protein and low in fat, so your dog gets the best at the end of the day. The truth however is that not all sticks are made equal and you would need to play your role if at all you are to get the most nutritious ones and the right ones for your dog. Below are a few things you should consider when looking for bully sticks.

A Dog Bites A Man: Who Is At Fault?

If you or a loved one have been involved in a dog bite attack, you need a dog bite attorney to fight for your rights as a dog attack victim. Dog attacks are on the rise, and often result in serious life long injuries, or even death. If you or a family member have been bitten by a dog, get emergency medical treatment. The next thing to do is to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who has handled previous dog bite cases.

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