Different Types of Collie Breeds!

What You Need To Know About Chihuahua The Dog

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed that is named for the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. The dog weighs 4-6 lbs and attains a height of 15-25 cm. He comes in different coat colors such as light brown, dark blown, and sable. Temperament The dog is easily provoked to attack; therefore, he is unsuitable for households with small children who often tend to mishandle a dog. Although, he is easily provoked, he is very loyal to his guardian. In most cases he tends to be very loyal to one guardian.

Independent or Dependent – Which Breed Would Be Right for You?

Most experienced dog owners, typically have a preference of the personality type they’d like. Some prefer a puppy or dog that exhibits more independence; others favor those that are clingier. If the personality fit isn’t right, there can be problems!

Planning Your Dog’s Diet

Are you feeding your pet dog with people-food? If yes, you are making a mistake that you need to rectify as soon as possible. For starters, you need to understand that feeding dogs with people-food is dangerous because it does not have the required nutrition.

Does Your Dog Have Dry Eye?

The most common clinical signs associated with dry eye. Dog breeds predisposed to dry eye and causes of dry eye.

Crate Training Basics

These days it is advantageous to have all dogs crate trained. Crates provide a safe place for your dog while travelling in your car, staying somewhere other than home or simply as their own personal basket or den.

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