Cute Puppies and Babies Playing Together Compilation 2019

Fun Sports Activities You Can Do With Your Dog

Staying fit is more fun when it is done with family members, dog included. Your dog needs his fair share of fun and should be encouraged to stay fit. What better way to help your dog stay healthy and fit than to take him out for a fun day of activities in the park. Here are some of the activities you and your dog can enjoy doing in an open space.

Facts About Beagles

A beagle is one of the friendliest and most lovable breeds available to people who wish to own a canine companion. While it can be simple enough to care for a dog, it is necessary to have a strong understanding of the animal in order for this care to be effectively. This article will provide a brief guide to the dog known as a beagle. It will provide some of the most common facts about this breed, thus ensuring that you will make an informed decision when purchasing a beagle.

Should Owners Treat Their Dogs Like Their Children?

Should we treat our pets like our children? My dog, Cloudy, prompted a little thought this morning as she patiently waited for me to prepare her flea dip.

Put Your Obese Dog on a Diet

Obesity in America isn’t just a problem for humans. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), an estimated 54% of dogs and cats in the United States are overweight. This article will give you the knowledge you need to keep your pet healthy, active, and happy.

Ways to Spoil Your Aging Dog

Elderly dogs may move slower and do less than in their earlier years, but they still love to be spoiled. This article will give you three tips on spoiling your aging dog so they can have the happy, healthy life they deserve.

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