Can You Own a Wolf as a Pet?

How To Care For A Geriatric Dog

Growing older is something that happens to all of us, and that includes our dogs. It may seem like it was just yesterday that you brought home a bouncing ball of fur who was trying to chew your shoes but today that puppy is a senior dog. It’s important to provide some extra love and care for your older dog to make him comfortable and happy.

Divorce: So Who Gets The Dog?

Divorce is a very tricky matter, not just for the people involved, but also for the family dog. There are cases every day in which these matters are decided and there are several ways of proceeding.

Feeding Your Dog?

There are different opinions about how often you should feed your dog. Most people agree that puppies should be fed 3-4 times per day, at least for about the first six months. As puppies get older they can be fed more like adult dogs. But, how often should you feed your adult dog?

Using A Dog To Teach Your Children Responsibility

Should you get a dog to teach your children responsibility? Getting a dog IS a big responsibility for anyone or for any family. There are many things to consider: who is going to feed the dog? Who’s going to walk him or clean up after him? Who’s going to groom and bathe him? Will you and the rest of the family have time for the dog? If you work and your kids go to school, when will you make time for the dog?

The Business of Dog Walking

Dog walking as a business is very popular in many areas, especially in towns and cities where people can’t get home in the afternoons to let their dogs out. Dog walking appeals to many young people who may have some extra time on their hands and who are in good physical shape for walking dogs.

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