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Help Your Child Overcome A Fear Of Your Dog

There are many children who are afraid of dogs. Maybe there was something that happened to cause them to be afraid. Sometimes the reason is not so clear. What if this child is your child and you would like to get a dog? How do you get your child to overcome his fear of your dog?

Effective Tips For Training Your Puppy

There is nothing as encouraging and motivating as having a pet or puppy that is well trained. It is always the aspiration of every individual to have a pet that can obey him or her. So to achieve this, a puppy must be adequately trained to listen and execute the orders of its master. People who are successful in training their puppies have a set of tips and rules they follow so as to achieve good results for the training.

How To Choose A Puppy For The Family Pet

Choosing a new puppy to be the family pet can be somewhat of an overwhelming task. You need to take into consideration your lifestyle as well as environment and choose an animal that will fit well. The first consideration is whether the family wants a large active puppy or a small cute one.

How To Determine Safety In A Dog Park

Living in a large city it can be hard to socialize your dog and make sure they get the exercise they need. Walking your dog is only convenient if you live in a quiet neighborhood with lots of surfaces that don’t hurt their feet. Beyond that walking your dog in the same neighborhood day after day can get boring. Off leash dog parks are an alternative to this but are they really safe for you and your dogs?

Here Are 5 Interesting Facts About Dogs

You may think you know everything about dogs, but we bet there are 5 interesting facts about dogs that you may not know. Do you want to find out what those facts are? If so, continue to read the rest of this article.

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