Are Carrots Good for Dogs?

Factors That Work to Optimize Your Dog’s Health

When it comes to vitality and disease prevention nothing can compare to perfect health. As far as our pet dogs are concerned, ensuring their health is your greatest defense against parasites and disease-carrying organisms.

Turn Your Wild, Misbehaved, Or Unruly Dog Around In 7 Days Or Less

So when I was living in Virginia my boyfriend and I had a large husky named Mason. When Mason got into his teen phase he had been getting a little more daring with his challenges towards me. Usually he gave in, especially when my boyfriend was around.

Be Inspired By Your Work

For as long as I can remember, I have had an unwavering compassion and love for animals. When I was a little girl, I didn’t want to play with Barbies or play “house”; instead, my friends and I would incessantly read animals books and play an imaginary game (with a name too embarrassing to share) where we pranced around making any assortment of animal noises, trying our hardest to fool our parents that we were no longer children. While I believe that I was born with a special bond toward animals, this bond was only encouraged and strengthened by my…

Find Something to Be Passionate About

It must be pretty obvious to those around me that I love “pit bull” dogs. I guess that’s the impression that I should expect when I own two of them and am the coordinator of a pit bull education program at the local humane society. What I am constantly and wonderfully surprised by, though, is how supportive my friends + family are about helping me change society’s opinion of the breed.

5 Tips For Walking an Overexcited Dog

Dogs have a lot of energy. Some of them even get overexcited. Learn how to behave to such a pet. Here are 5 tips for training and walking an overexcited dog.

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