When Friendly Fido Bites: Children and Dogs
Even the best dog can react quickly and aggressively. Remember that they are animals at the core of things, even though we tend to treat them like a real member of the family. If your child is bitten by a dog, the first thing to do is to tend to the child while making sure the dog is not a danger to anyone else in the area. Injuries from dog bites can be much more dangerous and complex than you might initially think.
Top 5 Reasons You Found An Honest Bulldog BreederFinding the right and reputable bulldog breeder is actually contingent upon finding the right and healthy bulldog. Here are the top 5 reasons you found an honest bulldog breeder.
Dogs Bark! It Is A Fact We Need To UnderstandDogs bark. It is part of their normal and natural behaviour. There are good and appropriate reasons why dogs bark. It is to communicate. For example, when strangers approach the house, or they hear an odd noise, or they’re herding sheep, dogs need to say something is up. Let’s face it: Most of us want our dogs to be “watch dogs” and alert us to anything unusual. But to make sure the barking does not annoy, we need to understand why our dogs do it.
Dog Collars Are Different: Choose CarefullyWhen you are out with your dog the leash and collar you choose is among the most important tools you have. In many places – on the road, crossing farmland and in some parks – it’s even required by law. There is a huge variety of collars to choose from, and the choice can be overwhelming. There are collars for training, for walking, and even for fashion. Which one is the best one for you and your dog? And what is the best way to use it when gaining control on your walks with the dog?
Why Should You Prefer Special Dog Foods for Your Senior Dog?You may be thinking about special dog food for your senior four legged companion. When it comes to online shopping for dogs, you should definitely keep an eye on the food you buy for a senior dog, with or without a medical history of his/her own.