Dealing With Pooch Aggression Through Socialisation
No matter how much you love your pooch, you will feel uncomfortable when they constantly bark or growl whenever your best friend or family member comes to visit. Aggression against humans or other dogs should never be misinterpreted that your dog hates your friend or other dogs. Rather, it is a sign that he or she is feeling anxious or fearful-and that should worry you too.
Why Daily Structure Is Better Than Strict RoutinesHuman beings love spontaneous activities, which is why you will scream-in a good way-at a surprise. For dogs, it is a little different. The life of a dog revolves around four basic needs; food, sleep, exercise or play, and potty. Creating a routine helps your waggy dog to know what is expected of him or her-and eliminates stress on your path. It can help them to avoid destructive behaviors, anxiety, as well as keep them generally happy.
Keeping Your Dog Amused When Inside for Too LongKeeping your dog entertained when you have to stay inside for too long can be a challenge. And trying to come up with new ways to keep your faithful dog amused can be more exhausting than actually getting up and doing it. Bored dogs get into trouble. You’re their main source of entertainment, so if you don’t give them stuff to do they’ll come up with activities of their own and that’s when you end up with chewed up shoes and curtains.
Is a Chihuahua Right For You and Your Family?You and your family want a dog. The Chihuahua was very popular years ago. You still have curiosity about whether this breed is right for you. If you have young children or older children this breed may or may not be right for you.
Effective Ways Of Communicating Basic Emotions To Your PoochLet’s face it, there are times you wish you can step out of your balcony and scream your lungs out just to show how much you love your furry friend. That may make you feel good but not your pooch. Love, (happiness) and anger (sadness or disappointment) are two basic emotions we all wish we can easily tell our dogs. However, humans and dogs communicate differently. While verbal communication is primary for humans, dogs rely on non-verbal communication to pass information across.